Friday, August 3, 2007

The Good Old Bad Fight

The fight between good and bad comes since the first breath of first life or even beyond. One cannot tally the scores of who’s winning between them. Although yeah we all know one thing with complete surety is that the bad leads and then in the end leads the good to win. Now let’s ask a question to ourselves. Who are we with the good or the bad? Now there’s an easy answer to it you know, and that is we have both ‘The good’ and ‘The bad’ in us. So then let me stress more on a question similar to the first one which does not have an easy answer. Here we go. What leads our lives ‘The Good’ or ‘The Bad’. If now the question seems to be just an odd boring topic to think upon then. Gottcha. The bad leads your life and you need to rethink on your way of living. All right lets now have a look on the bad and good both. Yeah I’m sure I won’t count all of them and may miss sum of the most important ones. This might be a complicated exercise too cause you’d love or really hate my questions I bet on that. For a short example,

John Travolta or Nicolas Cage. “The roles which they play”.

One more thing to all of this is it’s our own perceptions but then please look down for exciting answers in the end.

Greenpeace or the harmful waste produced by you.

Dad or Daddy.

Love or Sex.

Black or White Money.

Peace or War.

Fashion or Simplicity.

Attitude or Down to Earth Behaviour.

Fame or Remembrance.

Rich Parents or Sick Parents.

Rich or the Poor.

WWE or Boxing.

The type of Internet sites you surf the most.

Interest with Money or Charity.

Prayers or the Morning Walk.

You’re Kid or the Dog.

Should whatever you do be appreciated?

Who pays you God or the Boss?

The list may go on and on but issues won’t end up. Sum people may have thousands of questions to the options provided by me but then the answer is “Which is that question which gives you such a feeling and common you are enough smart to understand what I mean”. The answers are not here but deep down under in our heart. The Paradox is we might always choose the correct options and end up doing the wrong thing. Humans as we are.

See, Gottcha! You agree with the above line “Humans as we are”. Please go through the whole of the exercise again and stress your minds on it.